Looking inside: a tale from the Pandemic…


The vault

Here you see the vault filled with the critters and dollies I’ve made during the pandemic

These are some Zombies from a FaceBook Live a few weeks ago

These are some Zombies from a FaceBook Live a few weeks ago


Critters and Dollies are inventions from pop culture, custom pieces that get added into my catalog, or original pieces that are my very favorite.

Each piece is created using found & reused items, strange bits & pieces, and always - LOVE. I truly love making each one for my clients.

Each piece is created using found & reused items, strange bits & pieces, and always - LOVE. I truly love making each one for my clients.


What is on the inside? What are they stuffed with? What makes them so squishy?

Each piece is stuffed with bits from other projects. Quilts, clothes, and other fabric based crafts. But, during the Pandemic, most are now stuffed with the bits from mask-makers. I have some crafty friends that are making masks for their community and they graciously gift me with the bits. So each dollie or critter you receive is filled with love and re-used materials to make each one very unique and one of a kind.


If you’d like to see some of my critters or dollies, please click the Facebook link below. Or email me and we can create a special piece together.


Art Boutique is open!


Dollies from the Vault