Transmission from Quarantine

Like many of you, this year has been filled with turmoil, change, and discovering things about yourself. In the midst of a global crisis, I had 2 emergency surgeries within 3 months of each other. I went into the first surgery in February and by the time I was recovered enough to leave the house, everyone was in lockdown for quarantine. Then as the quarantine situation started to get a little better, another emergency surgery and long convalesence.

This time of solitude, healing, and hermitage allowed me time to evaluate my business. I previously made a goal for myself to book a festival/fair for each month of 2020… and did have one for each month lined up and ready to vend at more shows than I ever have before. Then everything changed. And like so many, it was time to pivot.

This website is one of the many pivots I have made this year. Thanks so much for stopping by. I am just figuring all of this out. Visit again. I plan to do so much more through this new website and I am excited to share to a wider audience. Drop me a line and let me know if there is something you would like to see from the Owlery of Oreon. I am open to suggestions, especially if you have been to any of my previous classes or have purchased from me before.

Thanks for stopping by. Come back and see more of what is available as I figure all of this out.

XO - Oreon


Dollies from the Vault