Connection in the time of Pandemic

Connect to your loved ones. It takes just a few minutes and can be very inexpensive. But it means so much to receive and send something.


These are the cards, notes & art I have received during the Pandemic.

Join us! Send a small token to your loved ones. It really means so much. I have gotten just as much joy from creating the letters and art I have shared, as receiving.

I developed deeper relationships with people and look forward to checking my mail box every day.


When this pandemic is over…and one day it will be, w

hat will you have to look back on? What will be your piece of history?

In times past, the letters and cards from historical eras like ours, were ways to connect to individual experiences.

Create a time capsule of letters. You won’t regret having these bundles of letters. Especially when you are trying to explain the unique feelings of 2020. And if you are looking to send unique postcards, check out my art postcards in the Art Boutique.

I got new promotional stickers! I am so excited to share them. To jump start your entry into the world of postal love I’m doing a freebie giveaway. If you send me an email with your postal address by clicking the box below, I will send you one of th…

I got new promotional stickers! I am so excited to share them. To jump start your entry into the world of postal love I’m doing a freebie giveaway. If you send me an email with your postal address by clicking the box below, I will send you one of the stickers above.


We present the Alchemist Box


Feeling the shift