Feeling the shift

As we transition from High Summer into the slow decline toward Autumn, take time to notice the seasonal shift and prepare your 2020 Harvest. Join me in seasonal living.

This is a wild goldenrod that is growing beside my back porch. It is almost as high as the roof.

This is a wild goldenrod that is growing beside my back porch. It is almost as high as the roof.


This is a favorite time of year for me. The mornings are starting to cool a little and the skies are starting to develop a tinge of that “September” blue. September skies fill me with gratitude and a feeling of abundance. I love Autumn and these early indications of the turning of the season fill me with delight and wonder.

Take a moment, breathe in the cooler air. Notice the slight change of the position and feeling of the sun. The color peeking between the leaves of the grass in the meadow. Here in Carter’s Valley, the goldenrod is beginning to turn it’s creamy yellow. The queen anne’s lace is abundant and beginning to drowse and fall under the weight of her blossom. The poke berries are beginning to turn their full, deep purple.


The wild grass is taller than me in some areas. If you have access to a wild meadow, walk out among the sheaves.

I look forward to harvesting for Grain Dollies and woven mats. August is the month of collecting grasses, weeds & herbs for wands and fogs for me. I truly enjoy living seasonally and connecting to the unique space of each day.

I like to craft a dollie each year in the traditional style, with natural fibers, grasses and herbs from my land. This dollie is a form of sympathetic protection to keep the house safe from fire.

My “modern” brain knows that a doll of grass is no protection against a fire. But, the act of creating this protection charm and giving a moment to uphold and commune with what people have done for centuries feels right to me. I like to bridge the divide of practicality and tradition. At the Equinox, I will check all my smoke detector batteries; make sure my fire extinguisher is up-to-date; and clean out the fireplace.

Connecting to these old traditions enriches life and brings joy to my celebrations. But, that doesn’t mean I allow the “old-ways” to govern my safety. I also add in the proper supports through realistic prevention and protection. The two can co-exist. It allows my life a richness and connection to the land that I crave…especially during this time of societal upheaval. Connecting to the land and creating something with my hands allows me a moment to stop the “what next” thoughts. I invite you to join me. Go walk among the grasses and grains. Forage for a few items… ethically, of course.


Connection in the time of Pandemic


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