Creating Herb Wands

Using herbs and “weeds” to create wands to fumigate and cleanse has been a tradition for humans since we have used fire. Check out some easy ways to dry your own wands for personal use.

The mantle is hung with herbs drying for Autumnal Equinox boxes and personal use.

The mantle is hung with herbs drying for Autumnal Equinox boxes and personal use.

Using plants to cleanse and create ambiance is an enjoyable practice for yourself or as an incredible socially distanced way to hang out with loved ones as we start our journey into Autumn. Gather together outdoors on your personal land or get permission to forage. Follow the steps below to gather your items:

  1. Ensure your plants are correctly identified

  2. Gather your plants using ethical foraging

  3. Have natural thread/yarn for wrapping your herbs. About 3 feet of yarn per herb bundle.

  4. A pair of scissors for each person

  5. A bunch of bread tabs or cardboard tags

  6. Your materia medica/book of simples to write down your wand recipes

  7. A long table to allow room for each person to wrap their bundle

  8. Plenty of water! Stay hydrated!

  9. A space to dry your herbs. Either mantle, line, or box. See my previous post about ways to dry your herbal bounty.

Gather together your herbs. Have your materia medica/book of simples handy so you can write down the different combinations. You will be grateful you wrote these down later, in case you find a herb wand you really enjoy.

Grab those bread tabs. I keep mine in an old tray I’ve kept for years. It stays in my cupboard and they are perfect to use for putting on my hanging herbs to identify.

Grab those bread tabs. I keep mine in an old tray I’ve kept for years. It stays in my cupboard and they are perfect to use for putting on my hanging herbs to identify.

Determine what you want to use your herb wands for. Some ideas are for cleansing, purification, prayers, meditation or to have a delightful herbal scent in your home or business.

Traditional pairings are:

  • Rosemary & Garden Sage - Protection & Cleansing

  • Cedar & Mugwort - Far sight & Premonition

  • Thyme & Chamomile - Prayer & Connection

  • Yarrow & Goldenrod - Healing & Centering

  • Lemongrass & Basil - Calming & Easing Tensions

Feel free to experiment with different scents you want to try. Approach this exercise with an air of curiosity and understanding. Use what makes sense to you, but try to use local items and don’t fall into using items that are sacred to indigenious peoples. Humans have used sacred smoke since the dawn of time and you can, too! Just be mindful and do your best to research and use what is available outside your own door.

Don’t limit yourself to just the usual suspects of sacred smoke. Try different grasses, woods, and herbs. Document your choices and make sure to write down ones you love and ones that didn’t work for you.


Gather your plants, ethically and seperate them into bundles. Determine which types of herb wands you would like to make.

Seperate your herbal choices into to small bundles. Here you can see St.John’s Wort and Garden Sage.

Seperate your herbal choices into to small bundles. Here you can see St.John’s Wort and Garden Sage.


Take your herbs and bundle into the size you desire.

You don’t want them too large or too small. A handful that is not larger than the palm of your hand is the best size.

But, feel free to make as large or as small as you desire. There is no wrong or right way to do this. Enjoy yourself and don’t worry about how it looks. You will prettify after the drying process.

Wrap around the plants, tightly. Not super tight, but enough to keep all the bits together. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. After it is dried is when you re-wrap and add dried flowers, etc. This is a great time to use old cotton yarn or thread that may not be to your style or for any specific project. This is my stash yarn. Gifted to me by a friend, but not for any specific project or item.


Here’s my bundle, all wrapped up.

My final wrap, I add a little loop to hang it for drying. But, that is up to personal preference.

Grab those bread tabs or cardboard tags. Add what you put into your bundle.

Grab those bread tabs or cardboard tags. Add what you put into your bundle.

Now let it dry for at least one moon cycle. Document what moon sign the herbs were foraged under. This will let you know the purpose for your wand. The herbs above were foraged and wrapped on a full moon. So the energy is for beginnings, cleansings, connections, and fertility/fruition. Check your local signs and portents.

After your wand has dried for at least one month, cut away the refuse yarn. Then wrap with a pretty yarn. Add some dried flowers and really turn this into a beautiful piece of herbal art. These make incredible gifts.


If you really want to offer an incredible presentation, wrap in pretty papers and seal with wax.

This really makes the wand very special. This is a great activity to do with friends or as a fun party idea. Think birthdays, bridal showers, baby blessings, etc.

And if you don’t want to make your own, head over to the Apothecary here. Limited varieties of small-batch herb wands are available. Click below. Thanks so much for coming by. Stay tuned for more and sign up for our newsletter below.


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